13th March 2025 | Issue 260
In the news this week…
World Book Day was all about books.
Thank you to everyone who contributed to making it so successful for the children, putting books and stories at the centre of everything that we did, as we recognise the fundamental importance of reading to our children’s current and future success. The ingenuity and creativity on display in the potato book character exhibition was very impressive; thank you to everyone who attended. The children loved looking at what everyone else had done and they shared their stories with their Forest Buddies in our book-based theme morning. A particular ‘well done’ to the children in Year 6 who confidently read stories aloud to the entire reception class.
Thank you to everyone who donated books to the pre-loved book sale, everyone who bought books, possibly including some that you had donated earlier… and enormous thanks to the PTA who worked tirelessly again to arrange the event.
Here are some of the reflections about World Book Day that Beech Class would like to share…
Making bookmarks was my favourite part of world book day. I liked tracing the complicated designs.
Once we had coloured our bookmarks in, they were laminated for us. Charlie, Finlay, Luca, Joseph
We all worked with our forest buddies to make mini books. Year 4 and Year 2 worked together. Theo, Darcey, Rosie, Orlaith
The best bit was: we were allowed to put anything in our books. Annabelle, Ethan
It was fun. We made them while we listened to world book day songs.
Some people enjoyed dancing to these song!
We all got a chance to make a potato character. The most amazing potato I saw had been turned into Zog. Rebecca
I was impressed by the size of some of the potatoes! Joshua
The exhibition was really fun and really creative. I noticed a potato Sponge Bob. Teddy
The exhibition was successful. The most popular character appeared to be Paddington. Some people didn’t make a potato character but everybody got a chance to see the exhibition. Amy, Mollie
Dog man was another popular character. They all looked lovely at the exhibition. Fleur, Layla
My potato was purple, green, yellow and pink: forest colours. Lily
People brought in preloved books for a book sale. Lots of people brought books and were excited to start reading straight away. Skye, Freddie, Sienna, Robyn
Updates & Reminders
Parish Hall Carpark and Parking
We have been advised by the Parish Council that for 2-3 weeks there will be contractors working on the Parish Hall roof. Part of the carpark will be out of use so this will have an impact on availability of space for car parking from 18th March. Please take extra care when parking and avoid parking along the school fence and in the driveway by the school gates.
Parents Evening.
Booking for next week’s parent-teacher meetings is open until Monday 17th March.
Access will be through the double green gates in the playground. Please still ring the bell on the gate if you are collecting children from Wraparound Care, so that staff know that you are waiting.
Reminder: the field and trim trail are not to be used except under the direct supervision of school staff.
Online Family Learning Workshops - available for all Oxfordshire residents.
These workshops aim to help you feel empowered at managing those tricky situations knowing you are doing the best for your child and yourself. You will gain insight into how to strengthen your family’s self-esteem and resilience; and practise strategies to encourage positive behaviour.
Mystified by maths? Interested to find out how some of those maths concepts in Year 5 and Year 6 are taught now: these workshops explain the current teaching methods used to help you feel more confident in supporting your child.
Dates for your Diary:
Friday 14th March - NCMP and Vision Screening for Reception Children (Information sent by email to Reception Parents)
Friday 14th March - NCMP for Year 6 Pupils (Information sent by email to Year 6 Parents)
Tuesday 18th March, Wednesday 19th March and Thursday 20th March - Parent Teacher Meetings - Booking open via your school website log in. Bookings will close on Monday 17th March.
Message from the PTA
We hope you are all enjoying your new books you got at the book sale last week. Thank you to everyone who came along to shop and who donated books. We raised an amazing £100 in total!!!
We are still looking for helpers to collect easter eggs from the villagers for our annual Easter Egg Hunt in April. If you are available on the evening of Friday 28th March to help collect eggs then please contact the PTA. The Easter Egg hunt can't happen without any easter eggs so please help out if you can.
Your current trustees are:
Lucy Crawford - Chair (Yr 2)
Emma Austin - Vice-Chair (Yr 1 and 3)
Charlotte Noakes - Secretary (Reception and Yr 3)
Laura Smith - Treasurer (Yr1 and 5)
Catherine Hall - Treasurer (Yr 3)
Remember: Please be aware that we have children in school with serious food allergies. To ensure the safety of all of our children please avoid sending your child to school with anything that contains nuts this includes sandwiches containing peanut butter or chocolate spread.
Useful Links
Here is the NHS Is my child too ill for school information.
As parents and carers, there are ways we can support our children to give them the best chance to stay mentally healthy. Encouraging and guiding a child to think about their own mental health and wellbeing are vital skills you can teach them from a young age. Children's mental health - Every mind matters