Support for Parents

Please find below some helpful information relating to support available.

Internet Safety


Online Family Learning Workshops available for all Oxfordshire residents

These workshops aim to help you feel empowered at managing those tricky situations knowing you are doing the best for your child and yourself. You will gain insight into how to strengthen your family’s self-esteem and resilience; and practise strategies to encourage positive behaviour.

Mystified by maths? Interested to find out how some of those maths concepts in Year 5 and Year 6 are taught now: these workshops explain the current teaching methods used to help you feel more confident in supporting your child.

Citizens Advice0800 144 8848

Support and guidance on how to keep well at home, what support is available and how to manage anxiety, debt and money advice.

Samaritans - 116 123 (free from any phone)

Whatever you're going through, you can talk to someone at the Samaritans.

Are you or someone you know at risk of harm from domestic abuse?

If you are at risk of harm at home, you can choose to leave and will be helped by police and support workers to get yourself and your family to somewhere safe. Anyone in immediate danger should phone 999.

If you are in danger and unable to talk on the phone, dial 999 and then press 55. This will transfer the call to police, who will assist without the caller having to speak.

Oxfordshire Domestic Abuse Services offer free advice: 0800 731 0055 (Mon-Fri 10am-7pm)

Alternatively, call the 24-hour National Domestic Abuse Helpline: 0808 2000 247

Household Support

Local Foodbanks

An increasing amount of people need emergency essentials from the foodbank. Please do not feel embarrassed about asking for help – these are exceptionally difficult times. In order to book a package, you will need to have a voucher code which can be accessed from a variety of different agencies (including citizens advice who are contactable on 0300 3030125). For more information on receiving a code and how to get your package call:



Health and Wellbeing

Oxfordshire Mind

01865 247788

If you’re concerned about your mental health, the information line can point you towards support.

School Nurses

Oral Health (Community Dental Service)

The National Sleep Helpline

Chat Health

ChatHealth is a safe and secure text messaging service between healthcare professionals and service users that provides confidential help, advise and signposting support.

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