20th March 2025 | Issue 261
In the news this week written by Chestnut Class.
We (Year 5 & 6) are a football team and we have been playing in a school league with other local primary schools. We have already played against 4 other schools. To make sure we all have a fair turn, our team changes every match. Anyone in our class who wants to be part of the team is welcome. So far, we have won 2 matches, lost 1 match and drawn 1 match.
During the matches we have had to show resilience (to keep going even when we were multiple goals down), good sportsmanship (when we were winning 11-0) and courage (when we were nervous playing away from home).
At the end of our last match at Fritwell, the referee, who was a teacher at the school, complimented us on our positive attitude and great sportsmanship. He told Mrs Staker that we were a pleasure to referee. That made us feel proud.
By Sam, Jack and Tabitha
Yesterday in our Science lesson, Year 5s conducted an experiment to separate different materials. We could sieve, filter, use magnets or use evaporation to separate different mixtures like rice, salt, water, paperclips.
Sieving works when there are small particles and bigger particles mixed together. The smaller particles can fall through the holes in the sieve but the bigger particles stay put.
Filtering is where you use a funnel and some filter paper to separate particles like water and sand. The water is able to flow through the filter paper but the sand stays on top of the filter paper, leaving you with clean water in the pot below.
Evaporation is when you heat a liquid solution (e.g. salt and water). When the water is hot enough it will turn into steam (evaporation), leaving the salt behind.
We all enjoyed the experiment- especially Mrs Heath!
By Sophia, Sebastian and Rupert.
Updates & Reminders
Warmer Weather
With the welcome warmer weather suddenly upon us, please check that your children’s clothing is clearly labelled with their name so that it can be matched back to your child.
Parish Hall Carpark and Parking
We have been advised by the Parish Council that for 2-3 weeks there will be contractors working on the Parish Hall roof. Part of the carpark will be out of use so this will have an impact on availability of space for car parking from 18th March. Please take extra care when parking and avoid parking along the school fence and in the driveway by the school gates.
Online Family Learning Workshops - available for all Oxfordshire residents.
These workshops aim to help you feel empowered at managing those tricky situations knowing you are doing the best for your child and yourself. You will gain insight into how to strengthen your family’s self-esteem and resilience; and practise strategies to encourage positive behaviour.
Mystified by maths? Interested to find out how some of those maths concepts in Year 5 and Year 6 are taught now: these workshops explain the current teaching methods used to help you feel more confident in supporting your child.
Dates for your Diary:
Provisional Date - Friday 20th June - Sports Day (Reception and Key Stage 1 AM, Key Stage 2 PM) More information to follow.
Message from the PTA
Please join us at the Easter Egg Hunt on Sunday the 6th April 2-4pm.
Tickets will be available to buy very soon. Please keep an eye on our Facebook page (Launton School Fundraising Page) for the link to order your tickets.
Tickets will also go on sale this week in the Village shop/post office.
As well as hunting for eggs, there will be other stalls on the day including a Kids tombola and Grown ups bottle tombola.
Please pass on any tombola donations to a member of the PTA.
Thank you to all the lovely people who have already volunteered to help out. We are still short on volunteers for egg collecting and running stalls on the day. Please email: friendsoflaunton-pta@googlegroups.com if you can help.
Your current trustees are:
Lucy Crawford - Chair (Yr 2)
Emma Austin - Vice-Chair (Yr 1 and 3)
Charlotte Noakes - Secretary (Reception and Yr 3)
Laura Smith - Treasurer (Yr1 and 5)
Catherine Hall - Treasurer (Yr 3)
Remember: Please be aware that we have children in school with serious food allergies. To ensure the safety of all of our children please avoid sending your child to school with anything that contains nuts this includes sandwiches containing peanut butter or chocolate spread.
Useful Links
Here is the NHS Is my child too ill for school information.
As parents and carers, there are ways we can support our children to give them the best chance to stay mentally healthy. Encouraging and guiding a child to think about their own mental health and wellbeing are vital skills you can teach them from a young age. Children's mental health - Every mind matters