Contact Details

Headteacher: Mrs Jane Paterson

Launton Church of England Primary School

Bicester Road




OX26 5DP

Telephone: 01869 253692

If you have any questions regarding SEND please contact our SENCo - Ms Mandy Terry on 01869 253692

Should you require further information, would like to request paper copies of any onfomation on our school website or have any other queries please contact Mrs Paterson or a member of our school office staff who will be more than happy to help.

For current school parents in addition to the official parent's evenings, if you wish to discuss any aspect of your child's progress or welfare at any time, please contact your child's class teacher who will usually be available at the start and end of the day to make arrangements to discuss at a convenient time.

Thank You.

Directions -

From Oxford direction: You will approach Bicester on the A41, cross the first roundabout and turn bare right at the next roundabout following the A41. At the next roundabout take the 2nd exit onto A4421 continue until the 3rd roundabout and take the 2nd exit onto the "Bicester Rd" towards Launton Village. After the hump back bridge, continue for 350m and the access road is on your left just before the school.

From Aylesbury direction: You will approach Bicester on the A41, at the first roundabout turn right 4th exit onto A4421 continue until the 3rd roundabout and take the 2nd exit onto the "Bicester Rd" towards Launton Village. After the hump back bridge, continue for 350m and the access road entrance is on your left just before the school.

From Buckingham direction: You will approach Bicester on the A4421, at the first roundabout turn left 1st exit and continue on A4421. At the next roundabout take 1st exit left for 200M to the next roundabout, 1st exit onto the "Bicester Rd" towards Launton Village. After the hump back bridge, continue for 350m and the access road entrance is on your left just before the school.

Parking -

We have no parking on the school site. The access road between Launton Parish Hall and school leading to The Harrison formally known as Launton Sports and Social Club does have some space for cars to be parked when dropping off/collecting children or visiting the school.

At times this access road can be very busy and the car park at the top is for the users of The Harrison but it can be used for parking for school if not in use.

We ask that all parents/carers and visitors-

  • DO NOT inconvenience our local neighbours by parking in residential areas close to school, block driveways or make access to peoples properties difficult.
  • DO NOT park along the school fence as this makes the access road very narrow and reduces drivers visibility of the area and puts the children and parents/carers/visitors accessing school at risk.
  • Take care where you park if parking on the main road we have a large number of children who walk to school and have trouble being able to see to cross the road because of the way cars have been parked.
  • Be considerate to other drivers who are using the access road and Harrison car park.

We trust that you have enjoyed visiting our website, if you have any questions or require paper copies of any documents on the site please contact the school office on 01869 253692

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