Growing in learning, growing in character, growing community.

Welcome to Cherry Class

Class teacher- Miss Ryman

Teaching assistants- Mrs Cross

Curriculum information for Nursery term 5:


Communication and Language –

This term our topic is ‘Animal Kingdom.’ The children will be reading a wide range of animal-themed books that include; woodland animals, safari animals, and farm animals. The children will explore new vocabulary within the stories and be encouraged to use the vocabulary during class discussions. The children will become familiar with the range of stories and be able to retell them in the correct order using visual prompts to support them. We will continue to encourage the children’s curiosity about the world around them and encourage them to ask lots of questions, which we will then find the answers to as a class and discuss the findings.

Personal, Social, and Emotional Development –

The children will be explaining how different characters might be feeling at different points of a story and discussing why their feelings may have changed throughout. The children will be encouraged to think hard about what has changed the way that the characters are feeling and take turns to discuss their thoughts. The children will also be developing their independence and sense of responsibility by looking after the garden area and identifying any risks. They will also learn about how to keep themselves safe in the sun during the warmer months.

Physical Development –

This term the children will be practising the skill of holding a pencil with the correct tripod grip. The children will also continue to practise writing their names with greater accuracy. The children will be developing their sense of balance by completing different obstacle courses which require them to match their physical skills to the course. For example, crawling, walking, or running along a plank, depending on its length or width.

Literacy –

The children will continue to think of different words that have the same initial sound and sort objects with the same initial sound into groups. The children will also be practising letter formation, focusing on a different letter family at a time. One letter family will be practised for two weeks starting with c,a,o,q,g,d,e,s,f which make the curly caterpillar family of letters.

Mathematics –

This term, the children will be developing the skill of representing numbers 1-5 by using different resources such as; visual cards, numicon, multilink, counters, and five-frames. The children will also be exploring the properties of 2D and 3D shapes and describe them using mathematical language. For example, sides and corners. We will also continue as a class to describe a sequence of events using words such as first, then, next, and last.

Understanding the World –

This term the children will be discussing different journeys and modes of transport. The children will plan their own journey and go on a safari trip (in the classroom). The children will work together to make an appropriate safari vehicle and observe the different safari animals that are on the trip. We will also discover toys from the past and share present toys, discussing the different materials that they are made from.

Expressive Art and Design –

This term the children will be exploring the work of Franz Marc and Eric Carle. We will discuss the colours that both artists use and identify any animals within the artwork. The children will also be learning a range of animal-themed songs including; old Macdonald had a farm, the animal fair, baa baa black sheep, sleeping bunnies, 5 little speckled frogs, and the animals went in two by two.

The Early Years are a time where children progress and grow at a rapid rate and where children are bursting with awe and wonder, fun and joy. All staff recognise the special responsibility they hold as custodians of the early years and they do not lose sight of this treasured opportunity. We recognise that learning begins at birth and continues throughout life. We acknowledge that everyone has the ability to be a competent learner, regardless of disability or other special needs.




All children follow the Early Years Foundation Stage curriculum. The principles that guide us are grouped into four themes:


A Unique Child -Every child is a unique child who is constantly learning and can be resilient, capable, confident and self-assured.


Positive Relationships - Children learn to be strong and independent through positive relationships.


Enabling Environments - Children learn and develop well in enabling environments, in which their experiences respond to their individual needs and there is a strong partnership between staff and parents and carers.


Learning and Development - Children develop and learn in different ways. Practitioners teach children by ensuring challenging, playful opportunities across the prime and specific areas of learning and development (development Matters).


While fostering the characteristics of effective early learning

• Playing and exploring

• Active learning

• Creating and thinking critically

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